Thursday, April 30, 2009

:<: Green Aviation :>:

posted 4 minutes ago by emmanuel Joliet [ updated a minute ago ]
Green Approach is:
”Planning & execution of a approach, minimizing the environmental effect (emissions & noise) a much as possible. This is achieved by flying a Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) with minimum thrust. The Green Approach is executed from Top of Descent (ToD) using the CDA procedure”.

The advantages include:
- Mimimized noise exposure around airports
- Estimated fuel savings of 50-150 kg per approach based on calculations from Arlanda
- Cost savings for airlines due to fuel burn and increased predictability
- Reduced CO2 emissions
The Green Departure subproject will adress environmental acitivites in the departure phase of flight.

The definition of a Green Departure is:
“Planning & execution of a departure, minimizing the environmental effect (emissions & noise) a much as possible. This is achieved by using optimized procedures, methods and technical support tools that minimizes idling time on ground and allows an optimized flight path up to cruise level”

The advantages include:
- Mimimized taxi time on runway
- Increased predictability and punctuality – improved planning for airlines
- Improved airport gate allocation process and planning
- Reduced work load for ATC

PKTIGroup is looking forward to help you to accomplish such goals of minimizing environmental effects.

1 comment:

  1. Europe leads the world in aviation-related technology especially in the field of ATM. To improve the efficiency of transatlantic flights, SESAR projects supports "greener" approaches. Let's board a transatlantic flight to understand the future of air navigation: a real test on an actual flight.
